North Grenville D.H.S.
Junior Math League Tournament
On Tuesday, May 28, 2024 North Grenville District High School is hosting the junior math league tournament for mathletes in grades 9 or 10. Each high school is invited to send one or two teams of 4 mathletes each. Email the organizer for more information.
Teams may place an order for XL pizza(s) for their team lunch or bring their own bagged lunches. Pizzas can be ordered for lunch. Make all cheques payable to: North Grenville D.H.S. A Receipt will be provided for all cheques at the tournament.
Practice materials can be found at this link:
If you have any questions you can reach the tournament moderator:
Schedule: 9:00-9:30 Team Registration & Warm Up Questions
9:30 Moderator's Welcome
9:40 Individual Round ( 15 minutes to answer 15 grade specific questions)
10:00 Team Round - Sprints & Relay
10:30 Break
10:45 Team Round - Sprints & Relay
11:30 Lunch
12:00 Countdown Individual ( top mathletes compete in jeopardy style)
12:45 Final Team Round - Sprints & Relay
1:15 Awards
1:30 Dismissal
Registration link is in the invitation link above.